Robert and Beverly Dockhorn Director of Faith Formation

Adolescents and young adults today face a world filled with complex and competing challenges. These years are critical to building a strong relationship with Jesus. In response, the Richard and Julia Wilke Institute for Discipleship is seeking funding of $2,000,000 to endow the Director of Faith Formation position. Both the youth being served and the ministries serving them deserve the best insights, practices, and support we can provide. This position will provide needed resources to those who have responded to the call to minister to youth. Being a youth is hard, we need to serve them well. Working with youth is hard, we need to equip leaders well.

This endowment is to support research and educational opportunities provided by the IFD Director of Faith Formation. Opportunities for impact include the following:
• Oversee an online certification program in Youth Ministry.
• Provide guidance for a global movement of individuals and organizations committed to assisting Christians between 14-24 years of age hear and follow the voice of Jesus in their lives through the Timothy Circle.
• Conduct speaking engagements and workshop leadership at youth worker conferences.
• Teach courses in youth ministry at Southwestern College.
• Direct the Summit Youth Academy, held annually at Southwestern.
• Generate content such as books, blogs, and articles to communicate relevant research and best practices in faith formation.

Rev. Wendy Mohler-Seib is our current Director of Faith Formation. She is:
• Currently pursuing doctoral work in practical theology through Nazarene Theological College at the University of Manchester, England. Her dissertation, titled “Hearing and Obeying God: Mentoring Teenagers in Practicing the Presence of God,” explores spiritual disciplines and the faith formation of adolescents.
• A graduate of Southwestern College, B.A. in religion and philosophy. A graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary, M.Div and a M.A. in youth ministry.
• A Harry Denman Fellow by the Foundation for Evangelism. As a Denman Fellow, Mohler-Seib participates as a junior fellow in the John Wesley Fellowship, a program of the Association for Theological Education (AFTE).

Robert and Beverly Dockhorn, for whom this endowment is named, are founding members of the Institute for Discipleship board. The Dockhorn’s significant contribution helped in the financial launching of the Institute.

Gift and Endowment Details:
All gifts to the Director of Faith Formation Endowment will go into a permanent restricted endowment. These funds will be managed as a part of the College’s endowment and are under the authority of the College Board of Trustees.
The Institute’s endowment policy will direct a yearly withdrawal of 5% of the last three years’ average. This will provide $100,000 a year for the Director of Faith Formation: salary, benefits, and program expenses.
To discuss a gift, please contact Steve Wilke at or (620) 229-6277.

For Online Giving